Welcome to Year 4

Class Teacher: Mrs Pemberton and Mrs Craft

Teaching Assistant: Ms Ronan 

Mrs Pemberton & Mrs Craft are Year 4’s teachers. Our Teaching Assistant is Ms Ronan. Our Year 4 motto is to be the best we can be and to always learn from our mistakes! We love the power of the word 'yet' when developing our skills.

We are very lucky that in Year 4 we learn about a variety of exciting topics, ranging from The Roman Empire, Angry Earth, Sound, Electricity, Anglo Saxons and many more. Our knowledge of different topics takes place across the curriculum in a variety of exciting ways. We love Art and being expressive!

We like to work hard in Year 4 and our outstanding behaviour, effort and work is recognised in various ways. We have a class recognition board and we work as a team; encouraging and helping each other to achieve our class target. A ‘Star of the Week’ certificate is presented to a child each week who has demonstrated our school and Trust virtues. We are always looking for great hand writers, who have worked hard to improve an element of their handwriting. This is recognised in a weekly certificate.

We aim to promote and celebrate independent, resilient learning by completing homework, practising spellings and times tables, reading and changing our books and generally organising ourselves more independently in preparation for Years 5 & 6.  

We love to read! We read together for fun, to learn more about the world around us and to explore the English language. We enjoy using Reading Plus to support a consistent approach to our learning journey both in school and at home. In Year 4, we develop confidence in rapid recall of times tables multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. This is a measured statutory requirement of Year 4 children. Times Tables Rock Stars is a wonderful school app, which supports home learning. Short burst, fun, frequent rehearsal is key to number fluency. Home support with this, as with reading and spelling helps tremendously to develop confidence in key Year 4 curriculum skills. 

Happy, confident children is our goal!

We hope you have enjoyed reading about Year 4 – It’s a busy and exciting place to be!


Year 4 Newsletters

Updated: 13/01/2025 489 KB
Updated: 08/09/2024 492 KB