Welcome to Year 3

Class Teacher: Miss Allinson

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jones

Year 3 is a class of 30 children. Our teachers is Miss Allinson.  We are supported by Mrs Jones, our teaching assistant. Our class is a happy, friendly place to learn and work.  In Year 3 we always try our best and strive to be the best we can be.  We are also lucky to have a specialist Music and French teacher once a week.

We approach our curriculum with enthusiasm and we cover a range of exciting topics such as The Ancient Egyptians, The Stone Age and Romans, Rainforests, Forces, Light and much more.  This year we are also lucky to have Forest School once a week, where we explore dens, have fun creating with clay, learning about our environment and much more exciting activities.

Our spellings are given out weekly on Seesaw and Spelling Shed for the children to practise.  We enjoy reading for pleasure in Year 3.  We support reading through our phonics schemes as well as whole class guided reading.  We also enjoy exploring books to extend our knowledge of all our exciting topics.  We use Number Sense in Maths to create a deeper understanding of number and number relationships as well as increase our fluency with number facts.

In Year 3 we have a full 2 hour session of PE each Wednesday taught by Mrs Tattersdill.  We also enjoy active lessons and brain breaks.

We know our mental health and well-being is very important and we learn about staying safe and good relationships during PSHE.

Across all our activities, we remember to try to live by our mission statement, ‘In Him we live and move and have our being’ and we share Collective Worship each day, either as a class, key stage or whole school.

We enjoy earning dojo points during class activities as well as celebrating our hard work, effort and behaviour though our star of the week award, which is presented each week.  We also enjoy celebrating our effort with handwriting through our hand writer of the week award.

Year 3 Newsletters

Updated: 23/04/2024 528 KB
Updated: 12/01/2024 539 KB
Updated: 07/01/2024 476 KB