Welcome to Year 3

Class Teacher: Mrs Davies and Mrs Tattersdill

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Ellison

Welcome to Year 3

Class Teachers: Mrs Tattersdill & Mrs Davies

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Ellison

In Year 3 we strive to be the best that we can be. Our class embraces the Trust Virtues ensuring that we all feel safe and happy enabling us to reach our full potential. We build on the skills and knowledge from earlier years as we prepare to move on to Phase 2.

Our curriculum is bursting with a variety of subjects to engage and interest us all.  We approach our curriculum with enthusiasm as we explore a range of exciting topics such as The Stone Age, The Ancient Egyptians, Rainforests, and much more. In Year 3 our curriculum is enriched through Forest School and French. Forest School allows us to be outdoors and active in natural spaces where we develop our personal, social and technical skills. It allows us to take safe risks building our self-esteem, confidence and independence. Children will need wellies and waterproofs if it is raining or wet! French develops our language skills and gives us opportunities to learn about a different country and their culture.

We value the thoughts and opinions of everyone in Year 3. We explore the  Fundamental British Values democratically we elect our Student and Sport Council members as well as our Stewards of Creation. We know that our mental health is as important as our physical health and we develop strategies to help us thrive.

We recognise good behaviour and have high expectations of everyone in Year 3. We understand we are all unique, but we all come together with respect and value everyone in our class family. Across all our activities, we remember to try to live by our mission statement, ‘In Him we live and move and have our being’ following in the footsteps of Jesus, having loving and understanding hearts.

We enjoy earning ‘Dojo’ points during class activities as well as celebrating our hard work, effort and behaviour though our star of the week and hand writer of the week awards.

How you can help at home………………

Read with your child every day encouraging talk about what you have read.

Practise spellings weekly.

Practise times tables.

Please read our newsletters which give you information about what your child is learning about that term.

Year 3 Newsletters

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Updated: 08/09/2024 440 KB