Welcome to Nursery

Class Teacher: Mrs Williams

Teaching Assistant: Miss McCue

"The vision of The Early Years Foundation Stage within St Pauls Catholic Primary School is to provide all children with a safe and stimulating environment that builds on their wants, needs and interests. We are committed to giving our children the best possible start to their school life teaching those skills that ensure their well-being, confidence and happiness combined with a love for learning".

St. Paul’s Nursery is a fun and exciting place with varied activities and provision which enhances play and creates many learning opportunities. Our nursery is safe and stimulating both indoors and out. Our learning environment enables children to explore, investigate, experiment and discover the world around them. By building on previous knowledge and experiences children are encouraged to challenge themselves and problem solve, furthering their understanding and learning. We aim to encourage, enhance and develop each unique individual giving them the confidence and independence to access the wide range of stimulating activities, both adult led and child initiated, provided in our nursery. Our experienced early years team are aware that learning occurs when children are happy, safe and engaged and realise the importance of communication with home.  This is enhanced with interactive ‘Stay and Play’ sessions throughout the year. Our nursery life is about fun, friends, playing and learning together.

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Nursery Newsletters

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Updated: 08/09/2024 601 KB

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